According to an anonymous VA whistleblower, corruption is so ‘overwhelming’ throughout the VA and those in charge are so corrupt and psychotic that their attitude is summed up in one statement he heard from one VA supervisor:
“Older veterans should be taken outside and shot in the head because they’re worthless.”
He describes the Dept. of Veterans Affairs as a place where supervisors across the board are not giving care to vets in order to ultimately line their wallets and everyone under them scared to do anything about it. Sounds like the rest of our government doesn’t it?
Nothing new here…….federal jobs and state jobs are great for those retired on active duty…..they are truly welfare folks with jobs.
Funny how Obama WH takes care of, feeds, clothes, transports, pays hotel bills, etc., for the illegals, but has no concern for our vets!
The VA has stopped sending me my medication…I wonder if FOXNEWS would be interested in my story…?
My God !!!!
When the doo doo hits the fan we all know who turned it on! Obama cares zilch about our current military men & women…….much less the retired, the maimed, the agent-oranged,……instead they use their resources to pay hefty wages to Sociopaths………………..disgusting!
My motto, don’t get mad, get even. Protest as a whole, shake up local and national awareness. This is the war we need to win against these tyrants of injustice.
Since my discharge in 1974, I’ve NEVER visited a VA Hospital or asked for anything from them! I considered them to be nothing more than a place to drop disabled vets, not a place to cure anything! Most doctors that end up in the VA most likely couldn’t make it anywhere else is MY READ: just ask a vet….
Carol consider this: Obama has FIRED each and every Senior Officer that has publically disagreed with him! What he is doing is setting up a Socialistic Government, and we may be heading for a civil war; us vs. the Government! Get your guns and ammo NOW!
I agree………………….He has 2 years to take us further down the path of destruction! The inner circle gets the payola and the outer circle (us) gets the crumbs, if there is any left!