According to an anonymous VA whistleblower, corruption is so ‘overwhelming’ throughout the VA and those in charge are so corrupt and psychotic that their attitude is summed up in one statement he heard from one VA supervisor:
“Older veterans should be taken outside and shot in the head because they’re worthless.”
He describes the Dept. of Veterans Affairs as a place where supervisors across the board are not giving care to vets in order to ultimately line their wallets and everyone under them scared to do anything about it. Sounds like the rest of our government doesn’t it?
Babylon The Great
The Most Corrupt Government in U.S. History. They need to be “taken outside and shot in the head because they’re worthless Communists and Terrorists.”
Take care of our Veterans.
Bonuse3s for NOT providing services no doubt.
It’s not only sad but criminal with what was promised when we toed the line for everyone’s freedom and what they have done to us in the name of money.
Anyone involved in this CURRUPTION should be shot on the firing line.
The complete government is!!
Take the running of the VA hospitals OUT of Gov . hands and let a civilian authority run it .The gov. can fund it ,” ONLY ” .
Next time the Vets has to watch who they vote in Office!. This is one good lesson !. It is awful So much corruption going on in Washington and Government!. Some one needs to clean house out there!. Instead of sitting on it doing nothing!.
Shameful!!! I cannot believe the inhumanity of our government. And the sick part is, they will get away with all they have done, because they sure got away with Bengazi and Fast and Furious, Obamacare, I could go on and on but in this country the Truth doesn’t matter anymore. I pray for all our veterans and I am thankful they stand for us to defend our freedoms!!