According to an anonymous VA whistleblower, corruption is so ‘overwhelming’ throughout the VA and those in charge are so corrupt and psychotic that their attitude is summed up in one statement he heard from one VA supervisor:
“Older veterans should be taken outside and shot in the head because they’re worthless.”
He describes the Dept. of Veterans Affairs as a place where supervisors across the board are not giving care to vets in order to ultimately line their wallets and everyone under them scared to do anything about it. Sounds like the rest of our government doesn’t it?
and Pelousy is trying to lay blame on Presdent Bush…It’s fairly obvious that obum’s regime is responsible …obumcare will eventually take its toll with all of us, but obum is hoping the VA will ‘take care’ of our veterans. It’sdifficult to understand why ANY veteran would support these, or any, demoncrats.
Preview of Obama Care.
That’s our parents, friends, soldiers that fought for our freedom. Are they supposed to be lined up and shot too!
Obama being mad as hell if true; Actions speak louder than words. Lets see if he does more than lip service to make brownie points!
The whole government is run by sociopaths
If it ain’t the white-right it ain’t right.
when its feasible get rid of these workers top to bottom these vets r the reason u can say what u want even if it is despicable
One hell of a corrupt government, disgrace of the world