According to an anonymous VA whistleblower, corruption is so ‘overwhelming’ throughout the VA and those in charge are so corrupt and psychotic that their attitude is summed up in one statement he heard from one VA supervisor:
“Older veterans should be taken outside and shot in the head because they’re worthless.”
He describes the Dept. of Veterans Affairs as a place where supervisors across the board are not giving care to vets in order to ultimately line their wallets and everyone under them scared to do anything about it. Sounds like the rest of our government doesn’t it?
Being cared for with no complaints.Am now 80.
These hospitals would work better if run by Veterans. Veterans understand one another.
They told my husband he was never in the Marine Corps…strange thing is he has every piece of paperwork and uniforms ever worn by him…
“Older Vets” are perhaps the MOST Valuable citizenry we have. It is THEY who remember history, lived through it, and came out on this side. It is They who can share the truth when this ‘younger generation’ is blind and oblivious. ‘Shoot them in the head’ Indeed!!! An looking at the VA do you really think Obamacare will work? Hey, I have a nice bridge to nowhere I am selling for cheap!
I have a friend that is a retired Marine that spent 32 years in the Corp. He was wounded in Korea, Vietnam and in Iraq. When he turned 80 years old, the VA cut all his benefits. Said there were no records that he ever served in Korea or Vietnam. He has copies of all of his service records and is now fighting to get his benefits back. Please keep our veterans in your prayers that this corruption is found out by all and cleaned up. Our Veterans deserve better than what they have been getting for years.
I always thought that the movie “Born on the Fourth of July” totally missed the mark. After seeing the scenes within the veterans hospital, I wondered why the movie wasn’t about the medical care being given to the veterans and the deplorable conditions instead of making a hero of one questionable guy.
nope just Obama’s Gestopo!
Liberals and RINOs should never be allowed to run the VA! They HATE US and that will never change! Hire NCOs to run the VA not Officers! We tried to teach them to be humans, but it failed!