According to an anonymous VA whistleblower, corruption is so ‘overwhelming’ throughout the VA and those in charge are so corrupt and psychotic that their attitude is summed up in one statement he heard from one VA supervisor:
“Older veterans should be taken outside and shot in the head because they’re worthless.”
He describes the Dept. of Veterans Affairs as a place where supervisors across the board are not giving care to vets in order to ultimately line their wallets and everyone under them scared to do anything about it. Sounds like the rest of our government doesn’t it?
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The VA is run by sociopaths. Selfish, arrogant $#%&!@*S.
let me veteran freedom man lol
I work for the University of Texas’s prosthetic/orthotic dept. and we do alot of work almost on a daily basis with the V.A.’s prosthetic dept. and from what I’ve personally witnessed they are very professional and attentive to their patient’s needs and care. I cannot speak for other depts, but this specific dept is doing its job and they always ask for quick turnarounds to try to dispense devises asap! But for many years i have heard from many vets how terrible treatment at the va hospital existed and they much preferred treatment elsewhere.
It’s so sad when,murderers and rapist in prison get better medical care than the vets that fight for our freedom!King Obama’s America sux!
No respect it’s awful
And we are stuck with it!
Not All VA Hospital are like that.I have been getting great care for since 1986.
I’ve notice that some servicemen are complete AH at the VA with no manners etc.
We the people have had problems with the VA before on the same issues . When are Vet’s going to get the real help they deserve ????