What does Disneyland and the VA have in common? According to the Secretary of Veteran Affairs, Robert McDonald, it is their “wait times”. This makes the “Happiest Place on Earth” and the VA system, which has allowed soldiers to die WAITING for treatment, analogous as stated by McDonald at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast.
Has Robert McDonald been to Disneyland? Waiting for a thrill ride is a far different than waiting for treatment on an amputated limb. If McDonald is going to make such a ludicrous comparison, then where are the fast-track passes for Vets to get the treatment they need? Disneyland offers that to their patrons, because even at an amusement park, waiting too long for a ride does matter.
Yet this bureaucratic flunky believes that the VA should not have to measure their success based on wait times, because Disneyland does not. This is why we don’t have nice things and why the VA hospitals do not take timely care of our noble vets.
Check out what the newest Disney cast member, Secretary Dopey McDonald had to say about the VA on the next page.
Just shows us the mind of a moron.
F**k him should be in the unemployment line !
America, VA Secretary, should be fired, NOW.
You are fired
The recent events in the Presidential race have SHAKEN my faith in humanity! The Republican Party Elites PUBLIC ALLY initiating a “Stop Trump Campaign”? A campaign AGAINST ONE OF THEIR OWN! What gets me, is they do it PUBLIC ALLY! It’s as if they want a democratic process, as long as the results is a “winner to their liking.” AND THAT IS OKAY??
Ted Cruz & John Kasich to run in the primaries, simply to prevent Donald Trump from gathering enough votes. This, “if I can’t have it, then nobody can” is a symptom of a TROUBLED MIND! The candidates ADMIT “they are trying to manipulate the outcome”, to prevent Trump from collecting, the majority of the votes. In my opinion, this EXCLUDES these contestants as Presidential contenders, because they lack a sense of “fair play & loyalty”!
The absence of integrity doesn’t stop at the primary process, Secretary Clinton made a DEMAND for a “top secret secure Blackberry”. It was DENIED, because it was impossible, Clinton SECRETLY & ARROGANTLY “Set up a Personal Server”! She ADMITTED & APOLOGIZED for putting “Top Secret” documents on it. BUT THIS IS CRIMINAL! You cannot apologize for BREAKING NATIONAL SECURITY! IGNORANCE is no excuse, nor is ARROGANCE!
Yet millions of voters are willing to OVERLOOK what she’s done, as long as she represents their views, which largely appears to be, “THAT SHE IS A WOMAN!” Is this what you VALUE in a President?
Finally, there is the common belief that the 1st Amendment can be suspended. No one admits it, but their ACTIONS show it! The 1st Amendment is to permit “Freedom of Speech”!
The LEFT (Obama/Clinton/Soros) included, appears to believe, ITS ACCEPTABLE to violate it through hiring protestors, but I’m sure in THEIR MIND, they don’t think this is VIOLATING the Amendment. Protesting is also a freedom, but NOT to the extent of DENYING someone else THEIR RIGHT TO SPEAK! Particularly, if it’s INHIBITING the ELECTION PROCESS!
I see Americans Who actively condone unethical, criminal, & anti-democratic behavior!
The media can ridicule Donald Trump and his supporters all they want, but WE are tired of all this behavior, & want a non Politician, and WE will NOT be deterred! The fact of the matter is, WE AMERICANS aren’t STUPID, & without US, there is NO BACKBONE of this country! WE AMERICANS, will DETERMINE the vote, NOT the Special Interest Groups or the Lobbyists! They will FINALLY UNDERSTAND CLEARLY, our voices WILL BE HEARD!
We will support our Troops, & build up our military, and take care of our Vets! This Present Administration has NOT had their backs! Nor, have they listened to our Top Military leaders, if they didn’t agree with the Administration…they WERE FIRED! No longer will our military hands BE TIED! Mr Trump will secure our borders, & revamp our Visa-Program. He will do EVERYTHING IN HIS POWER, to keep AMERICANS SAFE! He will call our enemies by NAME – RADICAL JIHADISTS! There will NO LONGER be Political Correctness, for its DESTROYING our country, & DIVIDING us! Americans are finally pulling together AS ONE!!!
He has a guttless looking face
We regret you are fired
He is a snake in grass
He looks like a Romulan 🙁