A psychiatrist that works for the VA has recently come under fire for an exchange he had with a veteran on Facebook. The discussion was centered around gun control and evidently the psychiatrist didn’t like the fact that the veteran’s pro-gun stance.
The veteran wrote, “If there is a gun in the room, I want to be in control of it.”
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This is the NEW AND IMPROVED VA under Obama….
I certainly hope he lost his medical license!
This explains why all the suicidal rates in the military
How can a Clinically Insane VA Psychiatrist tell anyone but himself to to kill himself. I am against the goverment keeping these Insane people employed when they are the ones who needs a hell of a lot of help Mentaly himself. He needs to try his own advice and save us from helping him!
You first.
Hopefully he’ll take his own advice.
Horrible!! This guy should lose his license to practice – ASAP- and be held Accountable for this!!!
Here we go again, another wacko in the VA treating our Vets, demand a resign your position brother , Idiot !
Teason for obumba. Teason. Take back our country.