A psychiatrist that works for the VA has recently come under fire for an exchange he had with a veteran on Facebook. The discussion was centered around gun control and evidently the psychiatrist didn’t like the fact that the veteran’s pro-gun stance.
The veteran wrote, “If there is a gun in the room, I want to be in control of it.”
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Jail would be too beneficial for this guy…
This Psychiatrist is a SICKO basard.
You get my point.
The psychiatrist should go to jail!
What a crooked $#%&!@* sucker.
He is cucuc cu cu..or he has a break down…himself…he maybe will do it…vey soon…he is transfering his own intrinsic wishes… HE IS CUCU ! I tell you…or he is a terrorist..by soul.
Fire him, that simple
btw all psych’s are nuts
I don’t care to hear such digusting things like that