A psychiatrist that works for the VA has recently come under fire for an exchange he had with a veteran on Facebook. The discussion was centered around gun control and evidently the psychiatrist didn’t like the fact that the veteran’s pro-gun stance.
The veteran wrote, “If there is a gun in the room, I want to be in control of it.”
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How awful!!
What a POS !!!!!!!!!!!
Pull this p***k’s license to practice medicine ever again.
He still has his job and benifets,go USGOV…
ya like Obama
He is a sadist
he should kill himself instead
This bonehead would do us all a favor if he followed his own advise.
THIS is the type of PROGRESSIVE LIBERALS they have in our college’s now!! They have been sneaking them in for the last 30 yrs or so.
Psychology and psychaiatry are both 100% frauds. A large study showed talking to a bartender worked better for helping people than talking to a psych lunatic. Pseudo science that is BS from top to bottom. I have enough credits in college for a degree, and I walked away from the c**p. Apparently I wasn’t crazy enough to believe the mumbo-jumbo.