A psychiatrist that works for the VA has recently come under fire for an exchange he had with a veteran on Facebook. The discussion was centered around gun control and evidently the psychiatrist didn’t like the fact that the veteran’s pro-gun stance.
The veteran wrote, “If there is a gun in the room, I want to be in control of it.”
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SCARY thing is, hes been ‘treating’ people for 30 years. Jesus. This is a microcosim of how many of these quacks & shamans are very subjective, partial, unethical.
I don’t think I will ever go to a psychiatrist..
Another sorry Sob, needs to be put out on his butt.
@[100000296480609:2048:Lee Morton]
Does this guy have a name?
Get rid of the VA
A lot of the so-called drs at the VA are losers that can’t find work else where…!
Deplorable!!! This “dr” needs to lose his license
the doc should axed