A credit card felon, just passed go and collected a new job at the Department of Veteran Affairs, to run an office that is notorious for bribery and credit card fraud. Braxton Linton, Federal Bureau of Prisons inmate #11109-017 served time for using credit card data to steal $70,000.
When his 14-month sentence was complete, he got hired working for the VA in San Juan, Puerto Rico. His new job is that of a prosthetic service chief for the Caribbean Veterans Affairs hospital. This position makes him a top official in the prosthetic department.
It is incredulous that a felon, charged with stealing money from a former employer, would land a position that requires him to use government credit cards and procure devices. Of all the people in the United States, sure this man, Braxton Linton, was not the best fit for the job.
Read on the next page where to apply for a job if one is a felon.
And I’ll bet the union didn’t do one damn thing to stop the person from being hired !!!
Someone did not do a thorough background check and fingerprints on this person. Government employees typically Dont get hired with felinues . that’s a given working for the feds. How do I know? 29 years of federal civil service.
Ridiculous. He will rob it blind and since “he” will only be in office for about another 6-8 months, he is going to do everything in his power to tear AMERICA down and drain it down. No more “vacations” on Americans money.
Why not, the government is stealing us blind and our congress is useless.
Hey if he paid his dues why not give the man a chance
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Can’t make this stuff up.
Everything about the current administration is intentionally exasperating these problems as part of the overall Islamic agenda the G.Soros is funding and Obama is acting as the front man. Little by little they are taking the country down but as usual most people are not paying attention to what in the hell is going on. You reap what you sow.
You have to be kidding.