One could argue that if you really want to judge a nation’s righteousness, look at how it treats those who risked their lives to keep it safe. Unfortunately, if were to do so for America, they would have to conclude that it’s anything but.
The fact that the Department of Veterans Affairs is plagued with problems is hardly controversial, but department employee Anthony Salazar uncovered grave misconduct at the Los Angeles VA office he worked at. While going over department records, Salazar learned that not only had his branch lost a staggering 30 vehicles out of 88 it owned, but that employees misused credit cards extended to the office as part of their jobs.
Disgusted at this waste and irresponsibility, Salazar took it upon himself to report the abuses to his superiors, but instead of commending him for coming forward with this information, they fired him instead.
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VA administration is the first Swamp that should be drained. Fire everyone in the administration level on day ONE! Start over or close it down.
Obozos America. Smh
Veterans deserve to be honored. Deport Illegals.
Round up the Muslims and you shall be overwhelming with THEM
I bet all 30 cars went to high up Union members too. Track them down and have them paid for by whoever has them. And if they don’t have the funds to pay for them arrest them and create a record on them. Take the funds from their pay checks before they get them.
This is horrible!!!
Obama’s team at work.
There will be some people investigating this very soon. And Mr. Salazar won’t be the only one losing their job! Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!
Can’t wait for trump to drain the swamp
Disgraceful and deplorable