By now, most people are aware of the many problems facing VA hospitals across the country and the agency in general. The Veterans Administration was established in 1930 to assist veterans of the First World War. It existed as such until 1988 when President Reagan signed the Department of Veterans Affairs Act establishing it as an official cabinet-level department and renaming it the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Two years ago, after years of complaints, CNN broke the story that became known as the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) scandal of 2014. While the scandal involved many hospitals and branches of the VA, it was centered around the VHA hospital in Phoenix, Arizona.
In a disgusting case of negligence, at least 40 U.S. military veterans died while waiting for treatment at the Phoenix facility. The investigation uncovered corruption and neglect at virtually all levels of the agency, leading to the resignation or firing of hundreds of employees and officials.
Now, the VA is in the news again, and again for the wrong reasons. To see why a VA hiring manager recently said in a sworn deposition “thank God” they do not give hiring preference to brave men and women who fought for the United States, continue reading on the next page:
Honestly, where did Obama find these incompetent, brainless people to put in charge of government facilities —all through government? They are so corrupt they don’t even hide it–doesn’t matter what stupid thing they do, they won’t even be fired!
Having dealt with the VA morons, this is nothing surprising to me.
If i was anywhere in the chain of command above this so-called Manager, he/she would be out the door; banned from employment anywhere in the U.S. government! Veterans would not only do at least as good a job; they would treat Veterans fairly and ensure everyone else treated them fairly, too!
Screw him and his liberal task master!
We Must Change All That !!!
Only veterans should be hired.
As a Veteran myself, that is being screwed around by the V. A. The jerkk that mad the statement should certainly be looking for work at a level suited to his IQ. But I doubt that he would even be smart enough to know how to turn the bugers on the grill in front of him!
That ignorant VA hiring manager needs to be fired on the spot!
Hmmm, only took 28 years for it to crash. Sand crabs just couldn’t carry the load. They saw endless money and went for the money instead of the patient.