Rep. Chris Stewart of Utah introduced a bill this week to cut funding for paramilitary units in any of the 48 federal agencies that now have these SWAT teams, such the Bureau of Land Management, the IRS, the Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy, etc etc etc
These units are really just Obama’s private army – and some Republicans are actually working to halt this communist uprising.
Rep. Stewart set out to create this legislation in response to the Cliven Bundy ranch stand-off with BLM agents.
“There are lots of people who are really concerned when the BLM shows up with its own SWAT team,” he said, the Salt Lake Tribune reported. “They’re regulatory agencies. They’re not paramilitary units, and I think that concerns a lot of us.”
We wish you the best with those efforts Rep. Stewart. Of course, the Obama regime will need his private armies when it finally hits the fan here in the US, so he will be looking to stop any actions that strip him of his minions.
If you would like to encourage the actions of Representative Stewart, why not go over to his Facebook page and post some words of support:
Rep. Chris Stewart of Utah, concerned about the armed agents that surrounded Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s property, is mulling a measure to cut funding for any “paramilitary units” that work for the Bureau of Land Management, the Internal Revenue Service and other federal regulatory agencies.“There are lots of people who are really concerned when the BLM shows up with its own SWAT team,” he said, the Salt Lake Tribune reported. “They’re regulatory agencies. They’re not paramilitary units, and I think that concerns a lot of us.”
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His mulled amendment to an appropriations bill comes in context of recent BLM actions against Mr. Bundy: The federal agents armed themselves and surrounded his property, tasered his son, closed down road access to the ranch and even shot a couple of his prize bulls. The reasons? Mr. Bundy hadn’t paid his grazing fees to the federal government, but rather fought the matter in court.
Militia from all over the nation came to the ranch to support Mr. Bundy in his standoff with the BLM — and for that, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid labeled them “domestic terrorists,” various media reported.
The BLM finally backed off and left — but not before a shocked nation expressed outrage at the government’s armed stance against a man who, at the root, was guilty of not paying a bill.
Mr. Stewart said it’s high time the government end its practice of arming its own special units for various agencies, like the BLM and the IRS.
“They should do what anyone else would do,” he told the Salt Lake Tribune. “Call the local sheriff, who has the capability to intervene in situations like that.”
The Interior Department, for its part, said the BLM and National Park Service had armed agents at Mr. Bundy’s ranch to guarantee the safety of the public and of their workers.
Photo: Facebook Page Rep Stewart
Thats why the stole all the ammo.
Yeah because we’ve only had those Divisions for 6 years.
I was wondering how long it was going to take before the congress wakes up and see’s what going on with this private army being built by this Muslim. Pres. Jefferson researched them and then delt with them, that was the beginning of the U S Marine Corp.
while you at it cut all funding for the king and all in the kings mansion
STOP the commie!!!!
About time
Why were they ever authorized ??
And they are buying bullets like crazy
People of this great earth something needs to be shared with all of you. We are all in danger of crumbling what greatness we had at achieving marvelous feats in many areas of humanity be it from civilized acts, science, honest government, god, and anything and all thing related to our human interactions. We are going to kill each other off and destroy ourselves prematurely if this small form of guidance I am going to explain is not taken into account and at least tried it. What I have to share is based on the happenings here in the Americas, but this idea and path to a rightful world goes to all humanity and all nations for we are all a nation under one god whether that god may be or how you name him. The devil has many names and cultures have many demons and cultures have different gods, but god has many names as well and all of our interpretations of god is but one god because he fights fire with fire and also has many names. so this leads me to start with the point of the matter and that is we walk with god and do what he does and fight fire with fire. The devil sits on the throne of American Leadership and the world is filled with evil acts and hatred. What happened to the nation that was supposed to lead the world into a thrive by example. Power, money, greed, and the wicked who prosper is what happened. The testing of humanity for we did not spawn from thin air and science and god are hand in hand. People of Mexico and Central America let me approach you as a first American whom loves you. I see what is going on and it takes mere research to see what is happening. Innocent people are caught between evil acts, mutilation, poverty, etc. and a supposedly great nation that hates them. Well that is not going to help and America needs to step up in being an example of real freedom once again by setting aside the pride and understanding that it was founded on immigration. Fight Obama and the corrupt American government by playing their own game. Our president attracts those from the south with false promises like a false god does only to gain votes and assure those votes for further evil that will come after his reign is over….his presidency. Fight him at his own game. The people of America need to stop trying to follow righteous crusader-like ideologies and yet try to pick and choose which guidelines of a crusader to follow for the last, not least, and most important law of a true crusader for justice is to help the helpless and the people of Mexico and all South America are looking to us for help. Because of our new American complacency those people have no choice, but to look in a negative direction of living to merely stay alive and have bread on the table. The narcos say they help the poor as the devil helps evil prosper and that evil goes and does the devils work and aiding the innocent they too kill. I implore to the American people to help those that come from a strong background and let them feel loved by us Americans for we need them on our side to prosper and topple our tyrannical government and their horrid governments as well. We need be a nation with true crusader ideologies again. Why am I seeing and reading so much hatred on this vast web towards those in a helpless state? Why is ok for us Americans to think it is ok to have an opinion on the evil doings of evil people in parts of the world, but find it all at the same time plausible to want to shoot and murder the innocent trying to come here to break free of violence? The documentaries and documented words of the innocent are out there and they want to escape the violence as we want to escape a violence we see as possible in our own nation. I would expect that if we were in a similar situation that we would very much appreciate a helping hand. Americans this is how we do something to aid in this entire situation and that is create a larger army of ourselves based on true righteousness an, whether you believe in it or not, godly tactfulness. People of Mexico and Central and South America please forgive us Americans and may we all learn to love and prosper and work together to fight an evil that is already working together against all of us. People of America please follow this guideline. This is where we start our revolution. Setting aside the selfishness. I plead to you all to please at least attempt what it is I am telling for it is not me telling you, but something that I spent this early part of my life not believing in until now and you may still not have faith so go forth having faith in each other despite where we were born. Do this and if opposition is met than it is because it will work and if opposition is made I will reveal myself and gladly take the fall at the hands of the opposition, but continue on the path of compassion for one another. It is time we stop fighting and stop pursuing a the end of humanity. I love you all. Americans, Mexicans, Central and South Americans, the oppressed in all parts of the world, the gay community, the atheist community, the scientific community, the followers of god, everyone and anyone is loved despite our living conditions for no one is better than any other. Our we ready to do the right thing finally?