More and more, it seems like homeowner associations are fascist in their demands that homeowners cease flying their American flags.
In a Utah condominium community, the association told residents that they could no long fly their American flags.
Read more about the backlash on page 2.
That’s BS
Utah Has A Lot Of trash Too !!!!!
I would tell the Assoc to go jump in the lake and fly the flag we live in the USA
What the hell happened to Utah they went Communist too.
Maybe if those in the community that respect our country and flag stand up and get flags up on their property they can get the HOA to vote for the rule to be changed the flag is not a deoration. Look at ur town flags on banks,schools,public buildings and houses all over town at least where I live u can’t go anywhere and not see one.
Screw them fly it anyways
Outrageous ! Now who can we blame on this I believe 4 Sure know answer / Fo you !
Bull c**p
Huh? We are in America? Or we now under Muslim law? What going on for Gods sake?