More and more, it seems like homeowner associations are fascist in their demands that homeowners cease flying their American flags.
In a Utah condominium community, the association told residents that they could no long fly their American flags.
Read more about the backlash on page 2.
I don’t think my response could be printed or posted in any public forum.
These HOA’s are really ridiculous and the petty c**p they do is disgusting!
Get a good lawyer !!!
Just find out where she lives
So totally wrong.
There is a law protecting the home owner
Put this “Old Hag” in a home ! A Perfect Example, of giving some people a little bit of power, and she turns it into the$#%&!@*patrol of the neighborhood. I guess, the residents of that neighborhood, better not stay home on the night of the neighborhood Homeowner’s election night again !
That homeowners association can kiss my backside you bunch of commies