Liberal phallicy (fallacy) is a long and hard battle meant to make Conservatives look like d**ks because of their beliefs. However, like all liberal arguments, they become flaccid after a while and require a hard effort to keep them standing, something that Texas college students are taking to heart. This year, activists at the University of Texas have an extra item on their school supply list: pencils, paper, notebooks and let’s not forget about dildos.
Feel free to wipe whatever you spit at your computer screen after reading the word “dildos”. You read it correctly. If you’ll recall, last year, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill 11, which authorized individuals to carry concealed firearms on college campuses, including classrooms and dormitories. A lawsuit to counter the bill recently failed, and now a protest is occuring.
Participants in this protest have strapped dildos to their backpacks to show that they’re an opponent of the law. Nearly 4,000 dildos were donated to campus activists by dirty sex companies all over the country.
Cocks Not Glocks, they’re all calling this absurd movement, which doesn’t really make sense.
Read what the College Democrat Coordinator had to say on the next page.
You have to remember that most liberal social justice warrior college students engage in endless empty debates and try to use childish prankster symbolism, masquerading as profound thought and substance, in order to convince themselves and impress others that they are smarter and more virtuous than the rest of humanity that came before them. These are still NOT adults.
At least, they could pose “suggestive with it for their parents, you know, show them the quality education they are “receiving ….
Don’t you know, this generation is all about ” FEELING GOOD” and in the right scenario, that $#%&!@*”might come in handy
Carefull, do not show these college students this box of rocks, or you might be accuse of ” getting your rocks off”. Can not be too carefull now days..
So stupid.
Our future employees. God help us.
Our Future!! Looks FM dim!
Grow the$#%&!@*up , your supposed to be a fuckin adult , act like it !!!!!!!! You bunch of pussys !!!!!!!
If dildos are outlawed – most of these slap-happy broads would never get laid!
They should be forced to register those dildos – you could put somebody’s eye out with those things!