In what USA Today is calling a “special editorial” they’ve broken their long stance of “neutrality” in politics by coming forward and calling Trump “unfit to be president.”
Hold the press! Nobody has ever said that before.
Yet, they felt the need to write an entire paragraph, making their break from neutrality seem like it has good reason and at the same time make themselves seem different from every other liberal news outlet out there who have said the same thing.
Find out what else they said on the next page.
Good one !! Go TRUMP
Hillary is a Liar and Corrupt.. And the World knows it.. But A Corrupt Government will never charge their Horse with any crime. Hillary Clinton is that Trojan Horse. Wake up people….Only WE THE PEOPLE can stop this corruption. Trump/Pence 2016
That’s a totally leftist move. Projection. It’s a psychiatric symptom
USA Today, in the last 15yrs, has become a Liberal-Socialist rag, only fit for the outhouse.
screw USA Today-vote Trump 2016. He is more qualified then the witch hellery and obummer put together.
Go Trump! No USA Today newspaper
Anybody who tries to build a case to vote for Hillary over Mr. Trump is guilty of treason!
This is what they’re endorsing. I believe the old adage is “You ARE the company you keep.”
I don’t trust trump because I doubt his ability to not become one of those, I will rule the world, but with Hillary, we all ready know. Everything she’s done, she needs to lose so Obama loses, the lgbt lose, blm lose. They need to be pushed back for four years.
Vikki everything you have said is absolutely true…Please America WAKE_UP