USA Today Names Reasons Trump is Unfit, Ends Up Describing Hillary

The information that makes up the rest of the article is a long list of reasons they think he’s unfit. It’s what’s in their intro, however, that sets the tone for the entire pieces and lets you know just how full of garbage it is and what little understanding they have of politics. It also demonstrates how liberal they’ve been from the very beginning. There’s no such thing as neutrality in news sources.

In their overdrawn intro, they claim that Trump lacks the temperament, knowledge, steadiness and honesty that America needs. Apparently, haven’t been paying attention to Hillary Clinton for her entire career.

If anything, Trump has been too steady, too honest, too temperamental, and people hate him because he’s too knowledgable for their tastes. They prefer an erratic candidate with blood on her hands, who takes full advantage of the fact that Americans aren’t as smart as they used to be. Here are a few of their reasons behind this “game changing” revelation.

He is erratic. Trump has been on so many sides of so many issues that attempting to assess his policy positions is like shooting at a moving target.

He is ill-equipped to be commander in chief. Trump’s foreign policy pronouncements typically range from uninformed to incoherent.

He traffics in prejudice. From the very beginning, Trump has built his campaign on appeals to bigotry and xenophobia, whipping up resentment against Mexicans, Muslims and migrants.

His business career is checkered. Trump has built his candidacy on his achievements as a real estate developer and entrepreneur. It’s a shaky scaffold, starting with a 1973 Justice Department suit against Trump and his father for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals.

He isn’t leveling with the American people. Is Trump as rich as he says? No one knows, in part because, alone among major party presidential candidates for the past four decades, he refuses to release his tax returns.

He speaks recklessly. In the days after the Republican convention, Trump invited Russian hackers to interfere with an American election by releasing Hillary Clinton’s emails, and he raised the prospect of “Second Amendment people” preventing the Democratic nominee from appointing liberal justices.

He has coarsened the national dialogue. Did you ever imagine that a presidential candidate would discuss the size of his genitalia during a nationally televised Republican debate? Neither did we.

He’s a serial liar. Although polls show that Clinton is considered less honest and trustworthy than Trump, it’s not even a close contest.

Nor does this editorial represent unqualified support for Hillary Clinton, who has her own flaws (though hers are far less likely to threaten national security or lead to a constitutional crisis).

So, wait, are they trying to describe Donald Trump? Because all of the bold writing above fits Hillary Clinton like a glove. Calling him a “serial liar” is by far the best one. Apparently people haven’t been paying attention to Benghazi or the email situation or just about anything else Hillary Clinton has ever said or done. Other than that, it feels like they’re holding Trump responsible for sins that are just every day deeds for any liberal. There’s nothing special about USA Today, except the fact that they’re full of crap.




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