Wasting money is something that the Government has perfected over the years, especially during the Obama Administration who wasted close to $43 MILLION dollars during 2011 building a simple gas station in the country of Afghanistan that should have had a price tag of $500,000.
Thanks to a program to revitalize the Afghani economy called the Downstream Gas Utilization project the Afghan people were the recipients of what could be the most expensive gas station in the world.
Has government waste of tax payer money continued since then? Click on next page to find out more.
Arrest Bush/Cheney!!!!
Obama hillery arming the terrorists . Another cover up more lies
and the people that pay for that, the American taxpayers don’t get any say in that. but there is no outrage. the outrage will come when there is no more money
Ya 20,000 for a gas station and the rest of our tax $ to support his Terrorist.
USA—- controled by idiots
Who was the contractor? Lockheed Martin or saic? They are both notorious for taking taxpayer money
Halliburton was probably the contractor.
…lets guess – 1900 pennsylvania avenue?…
call for obarma
Think of all the homeless veterans that could help with medical needs and jobs.