President Obama used to insist that he was not a Muslim, but his sympathies toward the religion and willingness to dismiss the inhuman and barbaric behavior exhibited by members of that religion is stunning and disgusting. Under Obama almost every Federal agency of significance was required to participate in Muslim outreach programs, including the Justice Department, which has been tasked with a special program to protect Islamic civil rights, while Homeland Security is being required to hold meetings with extremist Muslim organizations.
More outrageous still was Army handbook, which requires soldiers to avoid “making derogatory comments about the Taliban,” “advocating women’s rights,” “any criticism of pedophilia,” “directing any criticism towards Afghans,” “mentioning homosexuality and homosexual conduct” or “anything related to Islam.” While the military does have some ability to moderate free speech of troops who are in uniform, this affront to common decency and morality is simply beyond the pale.
Restrictions in discussing abuse, page 2
I’m sorry this would find alot dead bodies with dismember private s
Not ok in any culture
How bout if he ignored the cries if his kids being raped
Filthy animals.
If an American soldier turns his back on a child being raped because he is told to ignore , then he is as bad as the pedophile ! What will the soldier do when told to shoot innocent Americans . When my government tells me to do something that goes against the decency of mankind , I would find another job . There are two sides to this war …..good and evil . Which side will you stand on ?
Start shooting the bastards.$#%&!@*the orders
OMG… ..IM A CHRISTIAN…BORN AGAIN….AND I CANT IN ANY WAY IGNORE THIS!!!!!! These muslim trash must be eradicated immediately….they are the scum of the earth and HELL is holding a special place for them…..
He can’t answer$#%&!@*because hes just like them!!!!
dumbama has completely undermined our military and has advocated his Muslim brothers to come here and just have free reign to do whatever they want, including murder, rape and beat American citizens, all the while they are being supported by our tax dollars. That’s about the bottom of the barrel for anyone but worse from a person who is supposed to be our president and protect us.