President Obama used to insist that he was not a Muslim, but his sympathies toward the religion and willingness to dismiss the inhuman and barbaric behavior exhibited by members of that religion is stunning and disgusting. Under Obama almost every Federal agency of significance was required to participate in Muslim outreach programs, including the Justice Department, which has been tasked with a special program to protect Islamic civil rights, while Homeland Security is being required to hold meetings with extremist Muslim organizations.
More outrageous still was Army handbook, which requires soldiers to avoid “making derogatory comments about the Taliban,” “advocating women’s rights,” “any criticism of pedophilia,” “directing any criticism towards Afghans,” “mentioning homosexuality and homosexual conduct” or “anything related to Islam.” While the military does have some ability to moderate free speech of troops who are in uniform, this affront to common decency and morality is simply beyond the pale.
Restrictions in discussing abuse, page 2
When are progressives going to realize that this is a true difference in cultures and there is also something to the idea of one being superior to another? If one is not living in this century, being tolerant of other cultures or even acting civilized, they are an inferior culture and should be treated as such. Those so-called moderate Muslims need to do something about this.
Islam is not a religion or a race. It is an illegitimate organized group of murderous thugs including the women and children and has been since it began. Their modus operandi is always the same. The videos in the links are about Islam. . There is more here . Watch the first one. The second link has many more videos by Dr. Bill Warner. There now is an adendum to Dr. Warner’s videos from a different source I feel obligated to include . Feel free to copy, repost and share. People need to know who they are really.
Them people are a real sick Low life poor excuse for human beings.They all belong in Hell.
The Europeans approve of this is in their culture not everybody have good intentions.
obama be leaves that it is ok to have sex with any age child boy or girl so it is ok what a sick o
Sickwould never sick sickos! Real men would never!
Fuk that string umm up by the nuts
Obama is a sick, evil Muslim traitor whom should be arrested and charged, and have the death penalty for his crimes.