President Obama used to insist that he was not a Muslim, but his sympathies toward the religion and willingness to dismiss the inhuman and barbaric behavior exhibited by members of that religion is stunning and disgusting. Under Obama almost every Federal agency of significance was required to participate in Muslim outreach programs, including the Justice Department, which has been tasked with a special program to protect Islamic civil rights, while Homeland Security is being required to hold meetings with extremist Muslim organizations.
More outrageous still was Army handbook, which requires soldiers to avoid “making derogatory comments about the Taliban,” “advocating women’s rights,” “any criticism of pedophilia,” “directing any criticism towards Afghans,” “mentioning homosexuality and homosexual conduct” or “anything related to Islam.” While the military does have some ability to moderate free speech of troops who are in uniform, this affront to common decency and morality is simply beyond the pale.
Restrictions in discussing abuse, page 2
Muslim leaders are ^^^ publicly announcing how to rape children.
“Among Islam’s modern-day proponents of child marriage was Iran’s first supreme leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. He married a 10-year-old girl when he was 28. He would have been in full agreement with the Bangledeshi law reducing a child bride’s age to zero as Khomeini wrote, “a man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby.”
In language focused on Islam’s legal limitation on sexual penetration but devoid of concerns for a child’s emotional or physical well-being, Khomeini added:
“However, he should not penetrate vaginally, but sodomizing the child is acceptable. If a man does penetrate and damage the child then, he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl will not count as one of his four permanent wives. …”
Calling marriage to a prepubescent girl “a divine blessing,” he advised followers, “Do your best to ensure that your daughters do not see their first blood in your house.”
Either Khomeini was an effective preacher or Iran boasts a large pedophilia-prone population. By 2013 it was estimated over 850,000 Iranian girls under age 10 were married. At the time, Iran’s civil code allowed girls under 10 to marry.
And, in an ultimate act of “loving and leaving” them, Khomeini reported the Quran (65:4) mandates Islamic divorce procedures “shall apply to those who have not yet menstruated.”
This “pedophile in a turban” wrote a book underscoring allowable sex acts under Islam involving both children and, unbelievably, beasts. As to the former, Khomeini practiced what he preached, engaging in a “temporary” marriage with a 4-year-old girl later in life. As to the latter, one only wonders.
No child of tender age should be expected to fully comprehend the demands and responsibilities of a marital relationship, especially one subject to Islam’s religious laws. A child can only be protected adequately by laws ensuring she cannot marry, absent an ability to fully understand her marital responsibilities, as psychologically determined to be a reasonable, rightful age of consent to do so. Anything less allows the marital bond to be driven by an adult male’s pedophiliac lust rather than a child bride’s informed consent.
Sadly, sometimes a young girl’s inability fully to comprehend the marriage commitment results in a bride paying the ultimate price for a Muslim male’s perverse sexual gratification.
In Yemen, a child bride of 13 died of internal injuries only four days after entering into an arranged marriage. The medical report indicated she suffered a genital tear that caused severe bleeding.”
When will we stop these bastards from these terrible things they are doing?
You brutalize a child and then wonder how he can grow up to be a terrorist. They only know what they have been taught. Break the cycle. Protect the kids!
Radical Islamic Cult, Deportation.
—-“This MUST be brought to President Trump’s attention!” — What makes you think Trump would give a$#%&!@*???