President Obama used to insist that he was not a Muslim, but his sympathies toward the religion and willingness to dismiss the inhuman and barbaric behavior exhibited by members of that religion is stunning and disgusting. Under Obama almost every Federal agency of significance was required to participate in Muslim outreach programs, including the Justice Department, which has been tasked with a special program to protect Islamic civil rights, while Homeland Security is being required to hold meetings with extremist Muslim organizations.
More outrageous still was Army handbook, which requires soldiers to avoid “making derogatory comments about the Taliban,” “advocating women’s rights,” “any criticism of pedophilia,” “directing any criticism towards Afghans,” “mentioning homosexuality and homosexual conduct” or “anything related to Islam.” While the military does have some ability to moderate free speech of troops who are in uniform, this affront to common decency and morality is simply beyond the pale.
Restrictions in discussing abuse, page 2
i dont believe american soldier would follow that order call me stupid
Sick, sick, sick!!! Did Obama give this order???
Then what is the purpose of our soldiers being there if they have to ignore a child being raped?! Why fight for these monsters to only let them continue their evil ways? Bring our men home!
That’s fucking b******t you mean to tell me that any American military person is just going to go OK I’ll ignore it b******t I think this fucking is b******t I think tooth in action needs to be checked out I really find that hard to believe that American would sit by ago I’ll keep quiet I don’t believe it
Why is it this is the first time we ever heard of this immoral practice? We have been over there many years and NEVER heard anything like this going on. These poor babies have suffered much at the hands of these animals, and that is exactly what God says! Better they not be born at all if they hurt these little ones, that ought to tell you how hw feels!
Not on US bases. That is the same thing as being on US soil and that is against our laws! If they don’t like it then leave the base! They do not obey our laws so we do not obey theirs!
I know Soldiers who were there,and they said it happened every morning,and the sound was horrible.Has anyone seen the pics? OMG!
When I first joined senior SNCOs and NCOs would tell us about this happening in both Iraq and Afghan