The US just sold $11 billion worth of patriot missile parts and Apache helicopters to Qatar, who it acknowledges is a supporter of terrorism, including a Muslim Brotherhood group with connections to Hamas.
That the US is supporting terrorism should not be news, yet it still is to many. You awake yet?
Stupid is as Stupid does!
this is no surprise
Obama will do anything to destroy America!
osama obama at it again. he won’t be happy until he totally destroys this USA
stop it!
now we need to take these sellers to task ,if it isn’t good for us as a nation then lets correct these problems and put people behind bars that need to be there do to the treacherous acts they commit
Our real “home grown” terrorists are Obama and his democratic cohorts. January can’t come soon enough.
I am SO glad the fundamental transformation of America came to a screeching halt last night.
Now the Republicans need to pass a balance budget amendment to the US Constitution.
They need to stop the funding of foreign countries hostile to the US.
They need to deregulate federal Government and return power to the States.
They need to bring a halt to “Free Trade” treaties that have only enriched the 1% who empowered the fundamental transformation of America to a Big Progressive Nanny State and return jobs and wealth to the United States. No more of “The Tape Worm Economy” that benefits insiders on Wall Street and in DC –
Pass an energy independence bill to make America energy independent and stop the flow of money to OPEC states and stop buying their terrorism sponsoring Oil.
Pass a resolution calling for the protection of the only Republic in the Middle East, namely Israel, and stop giving into PLO and Hamas terrorist demands disguised as “state’s rights”.
And if Obama wants to veto all of this, then they need to begin to impeach him and members of his administration and congress.
If the GOP can’t do this, its time to replace with Tea Party Candidates and cleanse the Republic Tent of RINO Progressives once and for all!
Do you hear us #MItchMcConnell and the rest of the #GOP establishment?
When you play both side against the middle, you can make a lot of money. Read “Synagogue of Satan” by Andrew Carrington Hitch$#%&!@*.