The US just sold $11 billion worth of patriot missile parts and Apache helicopters to Qatar, who it acknowledges is a supporter of terrorism, including a Muslim Brotherhood group with connections to Hamas.
That the US is supporting terrorism should not be news, yet it still is to many. You awake yet?
Obama is well briefed & well advised he knows full well that he is selling military equipment to terrorists and committing treason! The US lets him have a green light every single time so why should he sweat it? Let’s just face the facts! We have a pos POTUS who despises our Constitution, he’s not working for the good of this country nor the good of American citizens! He is working against us not for us! He is destroying this nation as well as snubbing our only ally in all of the Middle East, Israel!! Obama is doing his best to destroy our relationship with a Israel all together. It’s such a coincidence that Israel is a FREE nation that supports democracy as well! And a nation that fights against terrorism like Hamas terrorists who have in their Charter that all of the Jews should be Obliterated! Very interesting that Obama’s half brother Milak Obama (Best man at Barack & Michelle’s wedding!) is a huge supporter of Hamas! In fact, he’s a Muslim from Kenya who wears the Muslim pajama garb, sporting his Hamas scarf known as the. “Keffiyeh” with anti-Israel slogans on each side of it! Obama is for Islam, not against it! He’s all for helping out his Muslim brotha’s anyway he can! He has proved that time after time and he continues to prove it!! The sad part is that our nations worst enemy is also our “Commander in Chief!”
Not the people of the United states of America just the dumb asses who run it god bless !
That means r president is a Satan pawn
Go Obama, make your Muslim Brotherhood buddies able to take away our freedom!!
Arrest Obama & EVERYONE in his administration for HIGH TREASON for selling weapons to a terrorist-supporting Muslim nation immediately!!!
Impeach the son of a bitch…Just another Crooked Politician outta Chicago…Obama…
impeach Obama I say
Who the he!! Are making these decisions? OBAMA!
with a muslim president, what do you expect