The US just sold $11 billion worth of patriot missile parts and Apache helicopters to Qatar, who it acknowledges is a supporter of terrorism, including a Muslim Brotherhood group with connections to Hamas.
That the US is supporting terrorism should not be news, yet it still is to many. You awake yet?
Follow the money trail! It’s all about oil, politics, sex-trafficking, and drugs. I love America with all my heart, but we say one thing and do another. That is what other contries hate about us. Hell, I can’t stand it either, and it all stems from corrupt government!
sad, we are in trouble, in the long run
Sounds to me like another Fine example of our Government doing everything we sent them to NOT do
We, the People, are against terrorist! We must ban evil corruption, & cruel torture worldwide NOW! We are HUMANS, not inhumane! Lead & act with high standards & the best of morals!~ <3
Someone should be shot!
This is STUPID! Who in their right mind would ok this???
if this does’nt tell you idiots that barry obama is a terrorist u cant get any stupider
Don’t blame me. I didn’t vote for the stupid son of a bi tch.
Duh The first Bush sold many weapons to Iraq because it was at war with IRan, please keep up
Real nice