The US just sold $11 billion worth of patriot missile parts and Apache helicopters to Qatar, who it acknowledges is a supporter of terrorism, including a Muslim Brotherhood group with connections to Hamas.
That the US is supporting terrorism should not be news, yet it still is to many. You awake yet?
obomba is the head terrorist!!!!
Yes between the corruption in obombers administration and the military arms contractors it’s enough to make any person want to fire them all ! This kind of EVIL is not what WE THE PEOPLE or our nations founders condone nor would it be acceptable to any righteous minded people !
What a load of c**p. Supporting terrorists by our own government. WOW. I’ll bet that is a first in this great country.
Cia at it again Kevin Byrd
What the @#$%!
well i guess we all know now where the apaches from the national guard
obama is a trator, why is he still allowed in the WH
Its beyond me I don’t get it eighter.
Russia Today is nothing but a propaganda outlet for Putin.
Obummer loves to support terrorists and his family members. We need to support Israel.