The US just sold $11 billion worth of patriot missile parts and Apache helicopters to Qatar, who it acknowledges is a supporter of terrorism, including a Muslim Brotherhood group with connections to Hamas.
That the US is supporting terrorism should not be news, yet it still is to many. You awake yet?
Atta boy Obama, you black p***k!
Terrorist in chief
It’s probably part of the deal obomba made when they agreed to take the prisoners released from Gitmo.
The fish rots from the head on down!
That’s what Hussein does- he supports terrorism worldwide.
I am ashamed enough to tell all my ‘friends’ that the only way to stop these a**holes, is TO VOTE IN~!! You can’t say you did your part to cure what ailes America, by staying home. To all my ‘Drriver” friends: Get your absentee ballot in NOW!
Me too James…so many of us are ashamed that we got fooled again and again.. It’s time to act: Socially, patriotically and fervently: Dump The Shi*heads of the “Political Cl$#%&!@*.”
Veterans Party of America…
I love it keep up the good work USA
You people remember that there are good Spanish Americans from Mexico and a lot of the Mexico people are God fearing people. Being attacked buy low life s$#%&!@* bags they don’t even like them themselves they’ll tell you and I wish the Spanish people would stand up where are the Spanish Americans you need to stand up man and tell these dumb son of a b****** that there’s a f****** difference between you guys they do not see it