The US just sold $11 billion worth of patriot missile parts and Apache helicopters to Qatar, who it acknowledges is a supporter of terrorism, including a Muslim Brotherhood group with connections to Hamas.
That the US is supporting terrorism should not be news, yet it still is to many. You awake yet?
The terrorist in this administration , making sure their brothers have what they need…
Doesn’t surprise me none
And our military has been downgraded.
And yet they will do nothing to stop him and he knows this.
As the close of the foreigner in the WH second term approaches -the deadly consequences are coming at Americans and lawful citizens hard, low and fast. Bracing for the harsh future ahead. #churchfastandpray
dont forget the arms that Iraq gave them and dont the arms obama and clinton gave to lybian rebels who used them to kill four Americans in Benghazi,obama=isis without a doubt!!!
that our great leaders for ya
We need to purge the traitors in our government and hold them responsible for what they have done
Gun running has been going on for YEARS (iran contra) its NEVER stopped -the “war on drugs” buys the guns
Fast and furious another example scooted under the rug