Iran continues to profit handsomely off of Obama’s presidency. The Obama administration said that the $1.3 billion paid in January, just two days after the ransom payment of $400 million in cash was delivered, to resolve an old dispute .
The dispute dates back to the 1970s, when the then U.S.-backed shah purchased military equipment for $400 million. Due to the Islamic Revolution, the equipment was never delivered because the shah was overthrown and diplomatic ties were severed.
The dollar figure, $1.3 billion, is what the U.S. and Iran agreed would be the interest on the $400 million in principal over all these years. In January, the $400 million was delivered on pallets transporting the euros, Swiss francs and numerous other foreign currency to Tehran.
The Obama Administration finally acknowledged that the timing of this payment was leverage to ensure the release of the hostages.
Leverage or a ransom – a rose is a rose by any other name. Obama negotiated with terrorists.
The rest of the story is on the next page.
God also told us if our leaders are to make laws against Him and his people them we are not to obey them.
And that is starting to happen. America has been laid bare to all kinds of ill deeds and abuse. It has made me very sad to see this – I pray for the unborn, for our military, veterans, aged, families who are struggling to make ends meet, people living alone, youth who see this circus in America and in the world and don’t understand the confusion, anger and Godless society we, the people, have become. Yes, prayer – and hope…….America is beautiful to me no matter what happens.
Smile you bastard.
Trump. We the people and our God and guns that we cling to are coming for you.
please read Jenny Cates . You may learn some thing about the trespassers in the white house . Maybe, just maybe you see some common ground between the trespassers and God forbid, the wonderful clintons. Think about your kids and grandkids
He is bank rolling their nuclear program
Where did he get it? Is congress allowing this? We need all new members. They have decided they are royalty and refuse to do the job they are paid to do. Get these corrupt socialists out of our government and out of this country.
Biggest sponsor of terrorism next to Iran
Yes it is, and so is the world The Father created, and God looked at all that he made and said it was good, but only God elect will inherit the kingdom. We are in the last days, remember to keep wisdom in our hearts and not be deceived by devil, there 8s an anti Christ it may or may not be a man but i know it is anything that’s against Christ
Kenneth E GobbinGod bless you, Mr. Gobbin. So many will be deceived – even His elect. Yes you are correct – Stay alert – Fear with reverence – our Lord – that is the beginning of Wisdom. Pray unceasingly. amen…..