Iran continues to profit handsomely off of Obama’s presidency. The Obama administration said that the $1.3 billion paid in January, just two days after the ransom payment of $400 million in cash was delivered, to resolve an old dispute .
The dispute dates back to the 1970s, when the then U.S.-backed shah purchased military equipment for $400 million. Due to the Islamic Revolution, the equipment was never delivered because the shah was overthrown and diplomatic ties were severed.
The dollar figure, $1.3 billion, is what the U.S. and Iran agreed would be the interest on the $400 million in principal over all these years. In January, the $400 million was delivered on pallets transporting the euros, Swiss francs and numerous other foreign currency to Tehran.
The Obama Administration finally acknowledged that the timing of this payment was leverage to ensure the release of the hostages.
Leverage or a ransom – a rose is a rose by any other name. Obama negotiated with terrorists.
The rest of the story is on the next page.
And Iran’s boats chasing ours in ocean, wake up America
We are the disgrace to let it happen.
Where is all this money coming from. I know they stole some from S.S. but I believe that we have a right to know where he’s getting all this money? I don’t want my tax dollars to go to Iran or any other muslim country. We need to keep our money here to take care of our veterans and elderly and build up our military.
How can he get away with this? WHERE IS OUR CONGRESS???????
Put this thug in jail for giving our tax money to terrorist.
Came out of, and shall continue to come out of our taxes, a direct result of our hard work and efforts. That should boil the blood of every American patriot, everywhere!
Boy I’ll bet they love Obama alls he can do is give them money
He said they couldn’t wire the 400 million but 2 days later they give Iran 1.3 billion by wire transfers sounds like lies and corruption to me Trump 2016
What a disaster he has been to our country. He’d give away every penny to his Muslims brothers to help break our country, and we let him.