Iran continues to profit handsomely off of Obama’s presidency. The Obama administration said that the $1.3 billion paid in January, just two days after the ransom payment of $400 million in cash was delivered, to resolve an old dispute .
The dispute dates back to the 1970s, when the then U.S.-backed shah purchased military equipment for $400 million. Due to the Islamic Revolution, the equipment was never delivered because the shah was overthrown and diplomatic ties were severed.
The dollar figure, $1.3 billion, is what the U.S. and Iran agreed would be the interest on the $400 million in principal over all these years. In January, the $400 million was delivered on pallets transporting the euros, Swiss francs and numerous other foreign currency to Tehran.
The Obama Administration finally acknowledged that the timing of this payment was leverage to ensure the release of the hostages.
Leverage or a ransom – a rose is a rose by any other name. Obama negotiated with terrorists.
The rest of the story is on the next page.
That was 4 billion
But he couldn’t save one little girl
And not a awing$#%&!@*in DC on either side has said where the money came from, I would say the Defense Department most of it money isn’t accounted for any how.
No wonder we are in such debt
And if you think nothing is going on here between these two think again…..Navy ships. Being buzzed by small iranian boats….A set up planned by these two to upset elections. Make Obama account for missing SIX BILLION from state dept and SIX BILLION missing from Pentagon monies. There iswww a paper or wire trail.
When bank robbers hit banks the money has an explosive charge triggering the release of a dye that is spread in the money and the criminals.
Should have stuck a bunch of these in Irans payoffs to track the people and the money. Maybe just a big exlosive device would have been better!
Start by getting Trump in thete to get these muslims out of office next out of our courts and pass a law they cannot hold any office.they are here illeglly Islam is banned from the US.
Obummer traitor has handed American $ to Iran on a silver platter…..who gave him the authority to do that? How does he get away with that….he is a mad man in our Oval Office. Ls
Jenny Cates’ comment is right on target of “THE MUSLIM MASTER PLAN” Time was right for an historical event , 1ST. BLACK PRESIDENT ! Thus the ” MUSLIM PUPPET ” !! The Chosen One is now FULLING HIS DUTIES !!!! ” GOD HELP US ALL “