As Fox News interviewed Congressman Scott Dejarlais (R-TN), who had just introduced a bill to arm military personnel at US recruitment centers the news station was able to confirm a bizarre update to the story. After the most recent devastating attack by a gunman on a Chattanooga recruitment center the Army chief of staff General Ray Odierno had announced he has no plans to arm recruiters, despite the threat of domestic terror attacks targeting unarmed, unguarded military offices. Also, the Marin Corps ordered recruiters to not wear uniforms to work as a means of ‘force protection’.
The Fox Interviewer, Gretchen Carlson learned that the head of US Northern Command had an additional directive, labeled a ‘safety measure’. And no, it wasn’t to permit the soldiers their sidearms, as the Congressman wanted.
See the astonishing exchange in the clip after the break:
That’s because it clashes with their gun grab.
The governments first responsibility is to protect its people they dam well better start or we will do it our selves
One of obamas aproved tratiors allowed to stay. He Made the purge
And we’re supposed to understand this insanity???
This is insane next we will have them wearing towel heads and tutus
Are these people on drugs? Not wearing a military uniform is a “means of force protection” for whom?! Ins$#%&!@*uting a law that does not offer protection for your Military personnel against perps – there is a name for that, bur I’ll let you fill it in…..
Bullet-proof gl$#%&!@* would be a start, folks.
Time is overdue. It’s time to round up all the illegals and muslims and get them off on the next train out of town. By force if necessary.
this is how a cowards behaves and I just don’t think true Americans are cowards