Microchipping is no longer a sci-fi idea but one that the US Navy is considering for the military. Various forms of microchipping are being discussed, from implanting brain chips to heal soldiers, to edible “authentication microchip” and an electronic tattoo that can read your mind.
Enter US third party presidential candidate, Zoltan Istvan, of the ‘Transhumanist’ party. He met with US Navy officials to discuss merging humans and machines. Istanv claims that the Navy is “keen to draw up policies about microchip implants”. These will be used to carry and track information inside the human.
DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, has for years been researching brain chips.
They have begun a course of programs intended to help repair cognitive function in the brains of soldiers who have experienced traumatic brain injuries. These programs focus on implanting chips into brain tissue. On page two read how this science fiction is coming to fruition.
DARPA is working on this particular implant, into the soldiers’ brains to “make them more resilient to warfare”.
But what if a soldier has self implanted, “unauthorized chip”? This is what Istvan says that the military is concerned about. What if as a child, one was implanted with a chip to keep track of one’s whereabouts?
America’s children should not be used like a Nazi experiment and have microchips placed under their skin under the guise of “their safety”. Yet an NBC News report has promoted the idea that microchipping our kids will happen “sooner rather than later”, arguing that just as the barcode was a scary new trend at one point, so too the microchip will become as accept as the barcode.
The piece flips back to pushing the idea when it quotes electronics expert Stuart Lipoff, who asserts that microchipping children is safe and inevitable.
“People should be aware that testing is being done right now. The military is not only testing this out, but already utilizes its properties. It’s not a matter of if it will happen, but when,” states Lipoff.
Read the rest of the story on page two, how microchips may need counter chips to protect state secrets.
This is WRONG!
A Lie Named Hillary ..
I don’t detest Hillary Clinton because she is a woman. I oppose her because she cannot tell the truth to save her life. Any public servant who has the gall to issue a list of terms the press cannot utter, as if disposing the corpse of free will, is helplessly deluded and a petulant child. Sorry, Hillary, but no one owes you anything; especially the nation you proclaim to serve with nothing but the benevolence of blind ambition. If your candidacy cannot survive without the aid of deception, division, and the fabricated catcalls of “sexism” to demonize your critics, then please tell us why America needs you? Better yet, please explain how you’re even worthy of a job? A leader doesn’t need pollsters, a panel of advisers, two news conferences and a room full of media drones just to announce whether or not she used an unauthorized server to conduct official government business and therefore deleted emails in an attempt to avoid prosecution. A leader would never break the law in the first place. And a leader doesn’t shout “what does it matter” when four lives are lost in the wake of her unmitigated failure. Any self-respecting adult with an ounce of integrity would simply admit the truth. Excuse me, any self-aware child who knows the difference between right and wrong, life and death. She was thrown off off the Congressional Watergate panel for lying and she hasn’t stopped lying since !!!!!. And some people want her as our President – she can’t won’t even tell the Truth as Secretary of State – and remember all she has done there to pad her financial pockets and political career – That should be over.
If I’m hiring someone to run my business, placing my future in foreign hands, I don’t care whether you’re a Democrat or Republican, a man or woman, white or black. I want the most qualified candidate whose character speaks for itself and whose ideals can stand on the merits of their own wisdom. That’s common sense. Are you going to have the audacity to tell me what I can and can’t ask; what verbiage is acceptable? If your resume and vision are truly best for the entire nation, not just one party, gender or race, either should be able to withstand the most blistering questions and exhaustive scrutiny. In fact, you should welcome any and all discourse to discredit your detractors and display your competence. A leader unites, empowers and inspires by example, not by excuses or endless blame. Tell me the national debt is a record 18 trillion and that Barack Obama has raised it more than the first 42 presidents combined. Admit that 93 million Americans are out of the workforce, nearly 50 million are on public assistance, and that the economic recovery is a sham. Admonish Iran as a destabilizing force of Islamic radicalism that must never be mentioned in the same sentence as “nuclear power”. Recognize the reality every civilized nation has immigration laws and that American sovereignty, the safety and security of her people, supersedes any political ploy to stuff the ballot box beneath the hollow cries of racism.
Yes, just like generations of legal immigrants before your candidacy, respect is given when trust is earned. If you are incapable of acknowledging simple, documented facts – solely because it’s easier to hide. behind a propaganda platform that cajoles and incites an expendable public – you’re not interested in solving anything, let alone serving the American people or any notion of truth. You’re the cancer killing the country I love. You’re the lie my forefathers never told.. Hillary Clinton has a long and inglorious history of alleged document tampering and questionable legal maneuverings.. AMERICAN VOTERS WE NEED TO KEEP HER OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE.. SHE BELONGS IN JAIL – PLEASE – PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE!
Let the treasonous govt get implants. Sick & tired of this bs. Govt’s over reach has gone to damn far. Our country is based on freedom! Americans will not be treated like an experiment. The worse the govt gets the more Karma is going to invade them.
like i have been saying, we need to do something now, this is a plan of Obama, and we do not have a plan or a leader, now where do we go from here. go #Trump go
BIBLICAL mark of the BEAST , NOT happening in my home EVER .
If this is allowed to happen- the government will pass a mandatory military service to make sure all humans get these implants
Mark of the Beast?
I just saw your post. I agree with you totally.