The Pentagon has approved a new policy that will allow troops to wear turbans and other religious clothing and engage in religious observances.
Until now there has been no set policy in the military to allow accommodations for religion.
Soldiers must apply for a waiver to be able to wear their religious garment or engage in a specific religious activity, which the military says they will take on a case-by-case basis.
The Pentagon has approved a new policy that will allow troops to seek waivers to wear religious clothing, seek prayer time or engage in religious practices.Defense officials say the waivers will be decided on a case-by-case basis and will depend on where the service member is stationed and whether the change would affect military readiness or the mission.
Until now there has been no consistent policy across the military to allow accommodations for religion. Now, for example, Jewish troops can seek a waiver to wear a yarmulke, or Sikhs can seek waivers to wear a turban and grow a beard.
Others can request specific prayer times or ask that they be allowed to carry prayer beads or other items.
The policy also says that service members can choose not to recognize any religion, according to NBC News.
According to Defense Department statistics obtained by NBC, there are only three Sikh Americans in the military. There are about 3,700 Muslims. 6,300 Buddhists, and 1,500 Wiccans.
The directive stresses that “the importance of uniformity and adhering to standards, of putting unit before self, is more significant and needs to be carefully evaluated when considering each request for accommodation,” according to NBC.
This is utterly ridiculous!!!!
Who would want to take orders from someone wearing a turbine, this is obama doing cause he is muslim.
a storm is coming
What happened to seperation of religion and state???!
Oh so they have frickin prayer rugs to I guess, this is getting sicking, this President has let this country go to hell in a hand Basket !
Oh, but they won’t let them have Christian worship..
And each US Military had a VOTE? How are we to recognize US Military from the ENEMY? Guess not!??? EVIL vs One Nation Under GOD Lever pullers…and Dems and coward GOP…your souls are bought and paid for DEVIL direct…to be destroying the USA within TRAITWHORES of the DEVIL…where you are destined Eternally!
OBAMA is Gonna Fill the Ranks with Muslums and once all the american soldiers are killed off marshall law will be proclaimed and every american will be slaughtered by his new muslum army! Why else would Obama be sending our best troops into a hot zone in Africa? 82nd and 101 Airborne were sent into east africa to combat Ebola with no protective gear he hopes they all die!
That’s just wrong!!!
Hell no kick them out of service for not conforming to regulations. Need no muslim in military or you will have more incidents like what happened at Ft.Hood