For decades, presidential administrations have stood by America’s commitment to not pay ransom for American prisoners. For the past eight years, Obama has thrown tradition to the wind.
Just last month it was revealed that Obama paid ransom to Iran for the release of American hostages. Sure, the administration claimed that the payment was no such thing, but further digging revealed that the prisoners’ release was contingent on the transfer of funds. To most Americans, that’s ransom.
At the time, the $400 million price tag seemed outrageous. According to recent reports, however, that money is comparatively insignificant compared to the money we have sent Iran outside of the prisoner swap.
Billions of “secret” dollars have been paid to Iran since Obama signed the Iran Nuclear Deal, and a new report is revealing exactly how many billion the US has sent.
To see how much money the Obama administration has sent to Iran, read the report on the next page:
Why what for???
Obama should be enpeached for this and other bad deeds!
Greed they would sell the sole for a few dollars .
This corrupt adminstration is one big FAILURE for this country and us -citizens but a big success for IRAN and the Muzzie world . They’ll give O’bumer and his puppets two thumbs up !!!
It is written, “God will take from the wicked and give to the just.”
Where does Obama get the billions of US dollars to fund terrorism? Where in the Hell is the Congress? The system is broken.
That’s what happens when you send a boy to do a man’s job
we have financed our own deaths~~~~~~comforting isn’t it!!!!
Next he will be selling us to the Muslims, that’s no joke!