A recent survey of state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies, entitled “Understanding Law Enforcement Intelligence Processes,” reveals that the sovereign citizen is considered the top domestic terror threat by those that ‘protect us’ – above Islamist extremists and militia/patriot groups who round out the top 3 respectively.
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Considering how the gov., has been destroying our rights, they might well think sovereign Americans are their worst enemy.
This is so upside down.
i’ll bet the commies are shaking in their boots!
you did not read that correctly I said “does not extend that same right to illegal immigrants”
Wait I thoughts troops returning from war were the biggest threat?
Seems to me a terrorist and a revolutionary have a lot in common that’s exactly what this country needs is a bunch of old farts carrying guns with nothing to do but stir up trouble and are so much of a coward that they need a gun in your pocket to make them feel safe that’s what’s wrong with the country people this f****** stupid
so be it.
The term “sovereign citizen” seems to imply that they are citizens taking the law into there own because they claim sovereignty as citizens. That giving them the right to take the law into their own hands which would make them a “vigilante group” as I see it. Which of course is illegal! We are non of us above the law. I understand your concerns and I empathize with you believe me I do. But you are making law enforcements job that much tougher and you are crossing the line and breaking the law if you go outside of protecting YOUR OWN PROPERTY. I will protect my own property thankyou! I/we should fear no one other than the LORD and if you/I take the law into our own hands and harm one of GODs created people outside of the law we probably had better have a healthy fear of the LORD. That’s the way I see It and it’s all biblical! Fear not for GOD will deliver the righteous so long as they remain in HIS will!
YEP , they run around killing men, women, and children everyday