A recent survey of state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies, entitled “Understanding Law Enforcement Intelligence Processes,” reveals that the sovereign citizen is considered the top domestic terror threat by those that ‘protect us’ – above Islamist extremists and militia/patriot groups who round out the top 3 respectively.
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Only threat to a complete take over of OUR country
threat in America is Islam Radical Muslim. People that say different either their an idiot our they are a part of the Radical groups / Terrorist Muslim groups need too taken care of. Doesn’t need Shaira Law or a caliphate or Jihad
Obama invading Libia Interfering in Egypt got USA on the List.
Democratically speaking, aha the white man is the terrorist… Not the docile nonviolent people, the Zionist and white supremacy militias
That is why the lib socialist left is trying so hard to disarm us they know we will eradicate them!
You got that right tho its sad to say
Arrest Barry for treason
Goes beyond reasoning that a sovereign would be somebody to worry about unless you want to byp$#%&!@* cons$#%&!@*ution like these communists and marxists believing do all gov is best
When the government is nervous about it citizens. Now’s the time to worry. This administration isn t going out like a lamb
You know your country is screwed when your government considers it’s biggest threat to be it’s citizens it’s time to change the system.