If there has ever been a chance to legally present real and untainted 2001 September 11th terrorist attack evidence in a U.S. court of law, this may just be the chance. U.S. District Judge George Daniels has just made the most foolish move of them all if the 9/11 conspiracy was going to stay a conspiracy by recently ordering Iran to pay $10.5 billion in damages to the families of people killed in the attacks, and to the group of insurers that paid property damage, business interruption and other claims.
Since Judge Daniels concluded that Iran has failed to defend the claims of aiding the Sept. 11th hijackers, according to Bloomberg Business, he ruled that the plaintiffs “may try to collect part of the judgments using a law that permits parties to tap terrorists’ assets frozen by the government.“
Check out the video on the next page to find out exactly what an appeal, by Iran, for this ruling would mean for the U.S. government.
If anyone thinks the Saudi’s are our friend, think again. They suck us dry with their oil. They rule with Sharia Law. A law that treats women like insects. Most of the terrorists responsible for 911 were Saudi’s. They sell us suckers oil while they use that same money to plot our demise. We have fools running our country. The biggest one being our Islamic loving POTUS. He sends millions, if not billions in aid to countries who are killing our troops and plotting everyday, 24-7 against us. They have infiltrated our government and our country like a cancer. As the good old boys in DC sit on their very well paid azz, America lays in a pool of blood. The blood that is the heart and soul of dead Americans. Killed by the same hands that are extended in friendship. Ban Sharia Law here and stop the radical ideology that is hiding behind the cloak of religion. Do it now or we shall lose our country to this plague…
Like they care what a US judge said
Get them lawyers working on that, they think they getting over on the US. There. laughing. At. us. U saw the planes hit the building , there was no cover up ,dont be stupid
I’m sure they’ll jump right in there and pay up, as soon as Obama sends them the money from his money tree,,,,
Should have thought to deduct this out of their frozen assets!
I think that’s good but the only thing I think about is we gave them all that money anyway so we are just at getting it back so no loss for them and no gain for us.
They have the money, Obama just gave it to them
Iran? Bin Laden was Saudi.