If there has ever been a chance to legally present real and untainted 2001 September 11th terrorist attack evidence in a U.S. court of law, this may just be the chance. U.S. District Judge George Daniels has just made the most foolish move of them all if the 9/11 conspiracy was going to stay a conspiracy by recently ordering Iran to pay $10.5 billion in damages to the families of people killed in the attacks, and to the group of insurers that paid property damage, business interruption and other claims.
Since Judge Daniels concluded that Iran has failed to defend the claims of aiding the Sept. 11th hijackers, according to Bloomberg Business, he ruled that the plaintiffs “may try to collect part of the judgments using a law that permits parties to tap terrorists’ assets frozen by the government.“
Check out the video on the next page to find out exactly what an appeal, by Iran, for this ruling would mean for the U.S. government.
yeah, baby!!
No where in the Twin Towers architecture besides the maintenance mechanical floors have X-Shaped box frames.
The picture on top with the sunlight shunning through the Twin Towers shows what floors are reinforced…. However… Those floors can not support the momentum of the initial 116,000 tons of weight falling straight down on it.
Good luck
Yeah, the cheek is in the mail.
Don’t hold your breath
yeah right like that will ever happen
Obama will give it back to them
George Bush and the rest of the Illuminati must pay for the tragedy. They killed their OWN people. Ask Georgie boy and daddy why their names were changed in order to hide their connections with the illuminati and the mass murder of millions of people worldwide
Stupid oboma should have taken the money from the one hundred and fifty billion oboma gave Iran!
Why didn’t they keep it from the frozen assets, Obama of course