If there has ever been a chance to legally present real and untainted 2001 September 11th terrorist attack evidence in a U.S. court of law, this may just be the chance. U.S. District Judge George Daniels has just made the most foolish move of them all if the 9/11 conspiracy was going to stay a conspiracy by recently ordering Iran to pay $10.5 billion in damages to the families of people killed in the attacks, and to the group of insurers that paid property damage, business interruption and other claims.
Since Judge Daniels concluded that Iran has failed to defend the claims of aiding the Sept. 11th hijackers, according to Bloomberg Business, he ruled that the plaintiffs “may try to collect part of the judgments using a law that permits parties to tap terrorists’ assets frozen by the government.“
Check out the video on the next page to find out exactly what an appeal, by Iran, for this ruling would mean for the U.S. government.
He can award it, but how is he going to enforce it?
You are going to Scare them, just like Obama has.
Get the money from the muslin & pay the U.S. Obummer will give you Assholes the tax payers money
Flight 175
Flight 175
Right before impact.
Great idea….but you know it will never happen. Their Allah wouldn’t allow that!
About time also we need strong sanctions back on Iran
Squibs caused by air pressure releasing from windows.
Keep in mind that an accumulating amount of pressure from the initial top 17 floors falling equals to 115,906 tons of weight and pressure moving down and outwards.
The floors were made out of thin steel trusses with 4 inches of concrete of floor on top of them.
These thin trusses can not support 116,000 tons of initial weight falling on it. Releasing the air pressure that shoots out once it hits each floor truss.
People got to understand the architecture of the Twin Towers. They are not built via traditional X-Framed Girders… It’s not built like a Lego block.
The architecture is Tube-In-Tube.
The building was 80% hollow.
Tube-in-tube architecture.