Iran has been ordered to pay $10.5 billion dollars in damages to the families of people who died at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, and to the insurance group Chubb Ltd. that paid for property damage and more.
What this judgment actually does is give Iran all the potential in the world to appeal the order, call in their lawyers, force the U.S. to air out the dirtiest of their laundry, and vindicate all criminal conspiracy behind Sept. 11th.
In the video below, former U.S. Army Psychological Warfare expert, Scott Bennett explains that to make this ruling Judge Daniels used a 9/11 commission report “full of holes and propaganda,“ and that Iran should jump on this opportunity to defend what Daniels said they failed to do, and should do considering that not one of the hijackers involved in the 9/11 attacks were Iranian.
According to Bloomberg Business, the case can be found In Re Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001, 03-cv-09848, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).
U.S. District Judge George Daniels in New York issued a default judgment Wednesday against Iran for $7.5 billion to the estates and families of people who died at the World Trade Center and Pentagon. It includes $2 million to each estate for the victims’ pain and suffering plus $6.88 million in punitive damages.
Daniels also awarded $3 billion to insurers including Chubb Ltd. that paid property damage, business interruption and other claims.
About time should have been done many years ago!
Get off of that that is fucking so stupid and so not true
How does a US Judge have the authority / power to demand $ 10.7 BILLION to families killed on 9-11? Plus this evidence by Zel Shiro? 19 highjackers:
15 of them were from Saudi Arabia
the other 4 from Egypt, Lebanon and UAE…
Meaning all of them were Sunni Muslim.
How is Iran and the Shia muslim connected to 9/11?
It’s not a justice matter. It’s a legal matter. Iran was served with a complaint, and ignored it. Was at a default, and a trial was held and plaintiffs won, since no defense was presented. Unless iran presents lying evidence, there is no appeal.
The us gov’t may object because of national concerns, and may also make a deal with iran.
You are hitting the bullseye on everything you spoke about. Wake up America and give them understanding that all mosque are also control by the Saudi through Satellite feed to hate and violence. The French and the English have all detail evidence which was given to our government but as you know it is buried deep in the red tape BS.
Like they are going to do it Bahahahahaha
Just take it OUT OF the we gave them.
I can’t believe this$#%&!@* you are insain,
I’d rather have that paid in blood instead. Terrorists AND their supporters!