Diplomatic immunity has been the device to stop the investigative leads into the Saudi government’s role in the 9/11 attacks, as reports of a censored 28 page report implicating the government. “60 Minutes” called this “soft-pedaling” in order to protect the fragile alliance between the oil rich kingdom and the United States; an accurate assessment.
The deliberate cover up leads to the highest levels of our government, where the 28-page report has been under lock and key, investigators stifled and co-conspirators let off the hook.
Former CIA director and the Republican co-chairman on the House side of the Joint Inquiry, Porter Goss, said the 28 pages should have been included in the final report, but then-FBI director Robert Mueller refused.
Tim Roehmer, a former Democratic senator, has read the 28 pages. He said a connection between five of the alleged hijackers and a Saudi cleric in California is “enough to make you squirm and uncomfortable.”
In the past Obama promised on at least two separate occasions to release the classified 28 pages. Political heat is now rising to the point where he may actually make good on the promise.
While the report may implicate the Saudis, it is unlikely additional information revealing the role the United States played in the attacks will be released to the public, reported Truth and Action.
Agents from the Joint Terrorism Task Forces in San Diego and Washington, along with Fairfax County (VA) Police Department have investigated leads that have lead to operating bases in the Saudi Embassy in Washington and the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles, for some of the Saudi hijackers.
The cover-up continues on the next page.
They have always covered it up. What??? You don’t think the U.S. has ever committed a false flag to push an agenda. This isn’t the first time. This time they used Arabs so they could put the patriot act 1&2 into play since it was written into a bill two years previous. Do you really think that Arabs with box cutters would be that terrorizing especially if there was men and women who were trained in some kind of hand to hand combat. They would’ve been able to take those guys out. Seeing the Arabs on all those planes were out numbered. Come on. It was just another catalyst to have a means to go to war and further erode our rights as citizens. What??? You think we went into Afghanistan and Pakistan just for bin Laden. Wrong again. It was the opium and other commodities their country provided. Opium production increased up to 40-60% during our “invasion”. It was the beginning of the never ending war. There’s so much evidence that it was a false flag attack and all sides are continually profiting off of it. Terrorist and western powers. They duped the whole world. I was even duped for many years after it happened. Then I woke up. Did my in depth research. I was even laughed at and mocked ridiculed. But I didn’t let it stop me from helping others wake up to the facts. Anytime they say it’s the official story, believe me it’s not. And it won’t be the last time it happens.
Our Government is in bed with the Saudi Arabia Government.
Believe it
This isn’t the first time the U.S. government has worked with “allies” to commit a false flag attack to push an agenda. You can believe the official story all you want but the truth is what it is. All the evidence is there. Regardless what you want to believe or what you think you know….it’s all wrong. Be patriotic for your country not your government. Our government has been shaking hands with our “enemies ” since the beginning. For oil. For money. For opium. For minerals. For lives. To destroy our freedoms. To have a continual never ending war. Who’s profiting off of war? How much debt are we in because of this never ending war. Are you more free now than you were then before 9/11? How come the government continues to cover it up. Refuses to release the footage at the Pentagon. Where was all that plane debris from the plane crash in the field of Pennsylvania. That was the quickest clean up I’ve ever seen from any plan crash including the Pentagon. Molten steel does not pour out of buildings like that when they catch fire nor do they collapse in a controlled demolition style way as they did that day. Wtc building 7 does not catch fire by itself nor have a controlled demolition style collapse. And they would not broadcast on live NEWS 20 minutes before it’s collapse that it has collapsed. There also would not be sharp angle thermite cuts on all the steel structural beams. If it caught fire and hit by a plane . Hardly anyone used any common sense when it happened. They were all in shock and in disbelief that something like that would ever happen. So what does anyone of a country do when this kind of stuff happens . They rally and go into a sense of patriotism and will not hear or see evidence before them. As people still do today. They just don’t want to believe it. But false flags have happened before and they will continue to do so. What….you think all of the gun free zone shootings happen by a random person Hell bent for some reason. No. There’s an agenda behind it. What the agenda in this example. Gun control or disarming the populace. Never believe the official story .
I know human behavior…and it fits like a glove…muslims are not my “ally” /
C.j. Anderson thank you for taking time in your reply .
typical u.s. gov’t. they do whatever they want and to hell with the American people
Does anybody wonder why all you see is a black silhouette of plane? Yet the sunlight is hitting it hitting it on one side and can’t see any logos or white paint for that matter.
Islam is stupid. Muhammad sux dix!
Finally most of us libertarians already know that 9/11 was a false flag and the Saudis were involved why is it that we get called conspiracy theorists and then a few years later it’s just common knowledge what we were saying