The chess game is fully engaged. America has rank amateur Obama playing against chess master Putin. Only thing is, Obama only knows how to play checkers on this board.
Retired General Jack Keane commented on Russia’s aggression in the Middle East. He predicts this will only escalate into a full-out war. Some may disagree, but Keane is correct to suggest we are in a proxy war with Russia. The Russians are currently attacking forces the US has supplied after telling us to get out of the Syrian airspace a week ago. Check the video on the next page:
I refuse to click on anything you post anymore! Why do we have to click on more and more pages? If you promise info when we click it should be there not on another page
The US government and military must be stopped. The US does not own this planet nor does it have the right to impose its will on others….. including the American people.
We have a puppet leading us!
It’s amazing all tese generals are retired that talk now did they say anything while they were in uniform I wonder?!!!!
Obama controlled by Muslim Brotherhood. Our government should not have been arming one side of a muslim civil war.
Why wouldn’t he? We are at our weakest in years thanks to o bummer
We don’t need to worry about Russia we have a war already here in America Obama and his Islamic brothers are coming after America
Once again MSM is making Russia look like the bad guys. The truth is America attacks so many countries and funds rebels/ISIS the taliban and many other terrorist. Americas Government is the worlds terrorist organization..
It is a war with obutthead & not the American people……