Reflecting the growing tensions between Russia and NATO that have characterized Mr. Obama’s presidency, the US is accelerating its planned deployment of troops to the Baltic States, Poland and Romania. Thus far, it’s only been a war of words as the players move their pieces around the chessboard. That said, it is never an encouraging sign when potential adversaries move additional troops and equipment to their borders.
More on the potential for conflict on page two.
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Oh boy, Obama would love to stir the pot in the ME to a crescendo, he needs to start the caliphate if he has any hope of becoming the 11th Iman. Obama needs to be charged with treason, he has aided and abetted the enemy more than any spy in history.
Impeach Obama now, bring our troops home!
It will be shut down imedeatly
Obama needs to be yanked out of the White House…he is a Dangerous Lunatic…
Check out Dave Hodges on the Common Sense show, he came to the same conclusion. I would hate to have to fight against the weapons the government has, but Vietnam and wars in the ME show that it can be done
Obama moving troops out so that homeland is not protected. Watch for false flag attack and UN take control of US. Americans are in danger as well as Trump.
lol it will be real funny when Americans Tar and Feather his$#%&!@*in the street on live television.
they need to strip Obama of all power.he is a traitor,treason fucker.
You Obama haters are a fucking joke! First you say he’s weak then when he makes a move likely because Trump’s butt buddy tried to hack our political process , ya’ll start talking out your asses just like the mindless assholes you are! Trump and his sheep are destroying the GOP and making the US look ridiculous. Any other republican candidate was a better choice that this ignorant douche nozzle. Do yourselves a favor, go grab a six pack, a few Big Macs and sit down and shut the$#%&!@*up.