Never one to let a crisis go to waste, the Pentagon is taking advantage of recent turmoil to expand its already-impressive reach to the American homeland.
Although generations of precedent and law forbid the military from conducting the kinds of operations it oversees within the US, the rise of ‘new threats’ presents its leaders with opportunities for wiggle room. The fact that so many federal agencies have militarized their personnel makes this task much easier, with the Pentagon now able to claim that it is just one, heavily-armed government organization among many.
While terrorism has served as the primary excuse for increasing the government’s power, the resurgence of Russia has been increasingly cited as necessitating such action. The most paranoid of these calls claim that drastic action must be taken to prevent the Russians from interfering in our election, something that fits in nicely with the desire of top military brass to become more active in the domestic sphere.
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And all hell will ensue.
Oh great that should make people feel better knowing that they will steal the election.
Like they have any credibility anyway
What? Federal government take over voting process so they can mess it up as bad as Obama care? No thanks!
And who watches over those bought and paid for scumbags
The DHS, the FBI, george soros’s voting machines and votes from the deceased, how much LOWER will the lib-tards stoop to get OLD killary the LYING SCUMBAG into office ?
They blamed the Russians to make their case for fraud. And they call us despicable.
Well if the FBI is part of it we’re screwed
Yes, we are!
like we really trust them. SMGDFH