Never one to let a crisis go to waste, the Pentagon is taking advantage of recent turmoil to expand its already-impressive reach to the American homeland.
Although generations of precedent and law forbid the military from conducting the kinds of operations it oversees within the US, the rise of ‘new threats’ presents its leaders with opportunities for wiggle room. The fact that so many federal agencies have militarized their personnel makes this task much easier, with the Pentagon now able to claim that it is just one, heavily-armed government organization among many.
While terrorism has served as the primary excuse for increasing the government’s power, the resurgence of Russia has been increasingly cited as necessitating such action. The most paranoid of these calls claim that drastic action must be taken to prevent the Russians from interfering in our election, something that fits in nicely with the desire of top military brass to become more active in the domestic sphere.
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This is how they will make sure Hillary Clinton wins.
What a sorry government we have. And folks we don’t even know the half of it. Vote for Hilliary and its the end of America.
We already know we can’t trust the FBI let alone the whole of the obama administration!
Yep it’s all corrupt. .theres no agency or office that’s going to protect the votes are ma k e them accurate.
Here comes a killary win. Buy guns ammo food and water.
he is right obama will use cyber attack for hillary to win the election america as we know it will be gone global government will take over trumps been trying to tell you this god help us all my thoughts the take over is bigger than you can ever believe
Oh boy, so how do we trust that process?
On may 14th 1607 a colony called Jamestown was settled in Virginia..on its last effort to keep it alive women were sent and saved the colony of Jamestown..409 years later we are calling on you women again to save our colony of America..we cannot get this without you..united we stand divided we fall..this election is about “we the people”..Mr Trump gave us our voice is on the way west virginia..ohio has your voice..we want nothing for free just the opportunity to earn it.#gottagetthis2016
If this happens our only hope is a convention of states. Join the movement, sign the petition at the convention of states website.
Are you honest?