Never one to let a crisis go to waste, the Pentagon is taking advantage of recent turmoil to expand its already-impressive reach to the American homeland.
Although generations of precedent and law forbid the military from conducting the kinds of operations it oversees within the US, the rise of ‘new threats’ presents its leaders with opportunities for wiggle room. The fact that so many federal agencies have militarized their personnel makes this task much easier, with the Pentagon now able to claim that it is just one, heavily-armed government organization among many.
While terrorism has served as the primary excuse for increasing the government’s power, the resurgence of Russia has been increasingly cited as necessitating such action. The most paranoid of these calls claim that drastic action must be taken to prevent the Russians from interfering in our election, something that fits in nicely with the desire of top military brass to become more active in the domestic sphere.
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They see the Trump MOVEMENT is way way bigger then they thought and the ONLY way to shove Hillary down our throat is to grab the election process…Looks like we get Hillary like it or not!!
Exactly, Marc! It will ensure her the win!
It would be really helpful if the DHS, FBI and CC would investigate Democrat Voter Fraud! That should keep all of them busy!
sure they will thats why there is so much voter fraud being reported
We the People will not comply.
Star I’ve been saying this all along. All though I’m not sure how to do that. Because, we all know what’s going to happen. This really makes me mad, frustrated. GO TRUMP…
The Russians are not involved in hacking our elections – OUR govt is. They act like the Russians have never hacked us. It’s thousands of times a day!! They hacked OPM several yrs ago & stoled thousands of personnal records. What did Obama do? NOTHING? This is just another govt takeover!
hey colonel sanders will you watch my chickens
its not the Russians we need to worry about its our own government that has sold us out.
The Movement against Hillary is Too Big. Another Scare tactic, to keep people from voting. They want people to feel defeated, in despair, hopeless. Don’t fall for this, GET OUT THERE AND VOTE. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT ELECTION TO SAVE OUR FREEDOMS. BESIDES GOD IS IN CONTROL SO NO MATTER WHAT THE MEDIA AND THIS ADMINISTRATION TRIES TO DO, THEY WILL NOT PREVAIL.