Never one to let a crisis go to waste, the Pentagon is taking advantage of recent turmoil to expand its already-impressive reach to the American homeland.
Although generations of precedent and law forbid the military from conducting the kinds of operations it oversees within the US, the rise of ‘new threats’ presents its leaders with opportunities for wiggle room. The fact that so many federal agencies have militarized their personnel makes this task much easier, with the Pentagon now able to claim that it is just one, heavily-armed government organization among many.
While terrorism has served as the primary excuse for increasing the government’s power, the resurgence of Russia has been increasingly cited as necessitating such action. The most paranoid of these calls claim that drastic action must be taken to prevent the Russians from interfering in our election, something that fits in nicely with the desire of top military brass to become more active in the domestic sphere.
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I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could pick up the White House and throw it!!!!!
Might be a time for the revolution to start
Thanx trump u A hole !!! How many years did they say ??? Uve been in bed with USSR (like everyone else u wanna f*ck f*ck f*ck!!!) for at least during last election cause u planned on easily winning against HRC!!!!! Now look at wat ur greed& dishonesty has done?!!!?!? Oh wats the “count” of all these “guilty ladies”???!!! Rrrrrrright Nutjob. LLLLLoooosser!!
That is like sending the fox to guard the hen house.
Omg!!’ U choose this post Inwhich to criticise??? Ur a complete Moron- ( deplorable lo life scumbag) b/c of dump there’s all kinds potential disaster!!!
How dare you, Anne Gilroy Sipe. Typical name calling liberal. Grow up!!
I will support an open rebellion!
Its a catch 22 for Hillary/Obama. On one hand, they are claiming that the emails are f**e. On the other hand they are openly accusing Russia of hacking their servers. If the emails released or f**e then why would they be going after Russia for hacking them? Russia wouldnt put f**e emails out. If it was found to be f**e info russia put out,then nobody would believe it when they actually do something like this. We all know that Russia had absolutely nothing to do with the hacked emails. It was DC leaks, WikiLeaks, and now anonymous that are releasing Hillary’s emails. Obama is claiming Russia did it as an excuse to start a war. Obama knows damn well Russia had nothing to do with it. Yet,he went out and publicly accused Russia. Mind you,they are still telling us they are f**e.
Heres my take on this whole election,leaked emails,syria etc.. Frankly,they had their candidates picked who were gonna succeed them. They figured that all they had to do,was use the same talking points from last election, each blaming the other,we would vote on one,they goto office and do exactly what Obamas agenda was. Problem was,most americans hate what obama has done and the direction he took us. So they figured,Trump would run,they’d tear him up and pull the spotlight off of themselves. That blew up in their face. Globalists (actually communists) saw Trump rising in the polls,and sought to take him out,thinking it would be easy. Unfortunately for them,the tactics they used they were caught at. They were caught glossing over the major issues,for issues no one cared about.. When they realized it wasn’t gonna work,they switched to their dirty politics,and got caught. That caused the American people to start questioning their motives. It caused us to actually fact check the GOP running. The more we dug in,the more we found disturbing. So we started to see whos funding these creeps. We noticed these gop politicians were not acting like the people we voted for. All their so called morals,views and patriotism seemed to disappear. It was if we voted democrat. All the games, regulations, treaties, money missing, Illegal activities and not 1 peep from our so called conservative politicians. That is when people realized that our f**e conservatives were actually communists trying to strip our rights,money and freedom right from under us. I mean with everthing Obama did in destroying our constitution,bill of rights,making treaties and refusing to even show it to congress. Any real conservative would have been throwing a fit,passing laws to stop it,suing to stop it and yes,impeaching. Obama had done enuff in his 1st 2years that any president should of been impeached. Here he was literally destroying everything the so-called conservatives cared about,fiscal responsibility, smaller gov,2nd amendment, attacking our religion,hiring,funding,training and arming groups with the express intent to destroy america etc.. Yet,not only did they not say a word,they filed no suits,they never lifted 1 finger to stop any of it. In fact some of them helped write the bills that are destroying us. They were FULLY funding Obamas whole agenda. Thats when americans figured out whats up. Not all of them,but the vast majority did. Thats why they needed an extra 30 million people to vote.
If Trump gets in,I think americans are gonna be shocked and pissed about what we find. Thats the real reason they are scared of Trump
Make a f**e threat, then committ enough election fraud so people think clinton legitimately won the election. It is what they did in vietnam to help keep the south vietnese dictator in power woth their “free and open elections”
That sounds great, doesn’t it? But is the Pentagon in her pocket too? And what has she got on the Command Chief? I don’t trust her.